The Spokesperson April 14, 2022

Published April 14, 2022 | 01:46 PM

Minutes of April 14, 2022 Meeting by Larry Neal  
Photos by Scott Chabot  
President Jeff Furest called the Mount Clemens Rotary Club to order at 12:15 p.m.

Barbara Owen led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Joe Casasanta led the club in “The Four-Way Test.” Sarah Lee gave the benediction.

The day’s menu featured chicken parmesan, broccoli, linguini, Caesar salad and spumoni.

President-Elect Scott Chabot informed club members that it has become apparent that our May 13 date for this year’s fundraiser is proving challenging as many Rotarians will be out of town. A new date around late September will be announced shortly. The Rock Around the Clock ’50s theme will be retained.

President Jeff with assistance from Kim Jarvis inducted new member Vita Simmons. Vita reached out to the club on her own as she was very interested in the opportunity to get involved in giving back to the community. Congratulations and welcome, Vita!

Ed Mastry welcomed guest and speaker Jolyne Baarck.

Scott Chabot recognized birthdays and anniversaries and sold flowers as follows:

From Tom Welsh to ??
From Ken Steele to speaker Jolyne Baarck.
From Larry Neal to new member Vita Simmons.
From Gary Felts to Tina.
From Mary Ann Hosey to Scott Chabot for having to make the difficult decision on the fundraiser date.
From Glenn Burton to Bob Cannon “just because.”
From Sarah Lee to her brother Bob.
From Bob Lee to his sister Sarah (with a little encouragement from the audience)


Today’s music director was led by Sarah Lee who picked “Let There Be Peace on Earth” and         “R-O-T-A-R-Y.”

There was no good will or sunshine report.
    *** Bob Lee announced that he will be appearing at the Richmond Community Theater’s, “Songs through the Decades,” May 13-15 and fined himself $1.

   *** On behalf of Valerie Miller, Larry Neal invited all Rotarians to support the Anchor Bay Rotary Club’s April 19 spaghetti dinner fundraiser to purchase ShelterBoxes to send to Ukraine. Tickets are $20 and available from Valerie or Our club is sending $500 in support of the event.

   *** Eric Pierson announced that this year’s Dick Pierson Rotary Golf Classic will be held on September 15 at Gowanie Golf Club. For newer members who may not know, Dick was Eric’s father and a highly regarded Rotarian and 1996-97 Club President.

Bob Lee was in rare (or not so rare?) form and spared new member Vita Simmons by recruiting her as his assistant. Others were not so lucky:

Scott Chabot for the wisdom to course correct the fundraiser date, $4.99.
Sarah Lee for the temporary break from having to help with the fundraiser basket collections, $2.
$1 each for all of the privileged people sitting near Bill Furest who was declared, “best dressed” sporting a nice suite and tie.
Ed Mastry for a weather report, $4.99.
Stephanie Mirabile looking good in pink, $1.
Mary Ann Hosey for her trip to Florida, $2.
Ted DeVantier for his trip to Belize, $4.
Bob Cannon for being under cover and not wearing a Rotary pin, $2.
Larry Neal just to get even for his recognition duties last month and picking on Mr. Lee, $4.99.
Major Barbara Owen, $0 for stating her rank (Bob pitched in $1).
Ken Steele for briefly stepping out, $2.
President Jeff introduced speaker Jolyne Baarck, Director of Family Youth Interventions, a part of Comprehensive Youth Services. The organization will be one of the beneficiaries of this year’s fundraiser.

Ms. Baarck lives and works in Mount Clemens. This year will be Comprehensive Youth Services’ 51st year of providing services to youth in crisis and experiencing homelessness. The organization is 100% grant and donation funded and has 28 staff members who provide service 24/7/365. Their services are free, safe and confidential. They provide shelter, life skills training and other services to help people transition into self-sufficiency. A new program targeted at those ages 18-24 (and up to 26) provides HUD-funded apartments for up to 12 months; participants pay for part of the rent.

The organization serves 120-140 people per year in their shelters, 12-16 in transitional living and 30 in housing. The most common way people find out about their services is through the local school system and word of mouth. They do not serve children who fall under child protective services.

Ms. Baarck welcomed Rotarians to come see a tour of one of their facilities, many of which are single family homes intended to help provide a warm and secure environment.

More information is available at

“Lucky” Bill Furest won $41 in the 50/50.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
