The Spokesperson April 28, 2022

Published May 29, 2022 | 12:00 PM


Minutes of April 28, 2022 Meeting by Larry Neal  
Photos by Scott Chabot  
President Jeff Furest called the Mount Clemens Rotary Club to order at 12:15 p.m.

Eric Pierson led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and national anthem (Sarah Lee trying to lead us off in the correct key) and Kim Jarvis led the club in “The Four-Way Test.” Sarah Lee gave the benediction.

The day’s menu featured chicken with roasted vegetables, broccoli, scalloped potatoes, tossed salad and white chocolate cherry cookies.

Presidential Announcements
President Jeff did not have any club business to announce but mentioned his eye surgery went well and he did not need to wear a patch today.

Ed Mastry welcomed guest and speaker Michelle “Micki” Weiss and Luke Eckstein filling in for Jimmy Gwizdala.
Ryan Murphy recognized birthdays and anniversaries and sold flowers as follows:

From Sam Wireman to speaker Micki Weiss.
From President Jeff Furest to Kathleen Best for her planned eye patch caper.
From Ryan Murphy to Nancy Dedenbach because he couldn’t help himself.
From Ken Steele to Kelly Dedenbach.
From Tom Davies to Bob Cannon to give to Cheryl wishing her well on her candidacy for county commissioner.
From Valerie Miller to Larry Neal for his help.
From President Jeff Furest to Luke Eckstein and Vita Simmons to ensure that everyone at the table was bedecked with a flower.

Unfortunately, pianist Gary Felts was absent leaving the club to its own voices. Today’s music director was led by Sarah Lee who was urged by Vita Simmons to pick “Edelweiss” (and who subsequently regretted it being subject to Nancy Dedenbach’s somewhat squawky rendition) and then “All Hail to Rotary.”
There was no good will or sunshine report.
Valerie Miller announced that Scott Chabot’s President’s Party will be held on Thursday, June 16 at 6 p.m. at 104 Cellar in Macomb Place in downtown Mount Clemens. Watch for further details to reserve your spot! There will be no regular meeting that date.
Bob Lee was in charge of recognition. He recruited Valerie Miller to carry the basket which exempted her from fines under his rules of the day.

Bob then asked Vita Simmons why there was a $4.99 maximum fine. Tom Davies, Charles Park, and Neil Dempsey established the rule in the 1970s so that new members would not be afraid of being charged excessive amounts, unlike Bill Lee, who pretty much had an open checkbook philosophy to being fined for a good cause!

So, following the $4.99 rule, then Bob fined Tom for the historical correction and for being in Florida on vacation.

Eric Pierson was needled for a previous wrong answer as to when the War of 1812 happened but ended up fine free.

Ed Mastry paid $2 for having a glass of wine at his table along with Ken Steele.

Glenn Burton paid $2.

Bob Cannon paid $4.99 for Cheryl running for County Commission. His offer to return his flower instead was rejected!

Kathleen Best paid $2 for all of the eye patches she purchased.

Kim Jarvis paid $2 for her trip to Lost Wages, although she came back 29¢ richer.

Kelly Dedenbach was fined $4.99 for being the most missed Rotarian.

Dana Camphous-Peterson brought her own lunch although was not fined.
President Jeff introduced speaker Micki Weiss, Marketing and Events Coordinator of the Mount Clemens Downtown Development Authority. Her family came to Mount Clemens in 1821 and she is a lifelong resident. She provided an overview of the many activities the DDA has been engaged in during the past two years of the pandemic to help get businesses through a really tough time. She provided several updates about many new businesses coming to the City with more on the horizon. Examples included:  Black Hat Coffee Shop, Clementine’s Pastry Shop, Cake Experience, Capture a Moment Photography, Gumbos, Taco Express, Kitty Café, Cherry Street Nutrition, Savvy Sliders and more. Many in-person events will be resuming this year, including concerts.

For more information visit:

   Dana Camphous-Peterson apologized for her recently expressed disappointment at the YMCA not being selected as a beneficiary this year but confirmed her continued interest in being an active and engaged member of the club.

   Eric Pierson won $32 in the 50/50.

   The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.






Meetings Hosted Every Thursday at 12:15 PM
Italian American Cultural Society and Banquet Center 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. Clinton Township, MI 48038
  • District 6380
  • Rotary International
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