The Spokesperson July 21, 2022

Published July 22, 2022 | 01:30 PM


Minutes of July 21, 2022 Meeting by Larry Neal 
Photos by Nancy Dedenbach
President Scott Chabot called the Mount Clemens Rotary Club to order at 12:15 p.m.

Doug Norris led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and national anthem, and Ted DeVantier led the club in “The Four-Way Test.” Vita Simmons gave the benediction.

The day’s menu featured mac and cheese, roasted potatoes, tossed salad, chicken piccata and strawberry shortcake.
President Scott thanked everyone for the great job on the Rotary Park Rededication event. He turned the microphone over to Valerie Miller who noted that several people long affiliated with Rotary attended the event: Ray Glime, Paul Woodring, Larry Powe, and Patty McKay among others.

As a reminder our big ’50s Sock Hop Fundraiser will be on September 30!

Next week Jim Adams will talk about RYLA.

Our August 4 meeting will be held outdoors at the Macomb YMCA.
Tom Welsh welcomed guests Eileen Heasley, speaker and member of the Troy Rotary Club; Alyssa Kehrig, guest of Valerie Miller and soon-to-be member of our club; and Sue Paynter, guest of Doug Norris.
Ed Mastry with the assistance from Kathleen Best sold flowers. Ed bought one for our guest speaker. Valerie Miller bought one for her guest, Ken Steele bought one for Julie Miller because he felt bad about something, Gary Felts bought one for Tina, Doug Norris bought one for Sue, and then President Scott bought flowers for Vita Simmons and Valerie Miller to thank them for all of their hard work on the park rededication.
Nancy Dedenbach and Luca were on music duty. Today’s selections for music were, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “R-O-T-A-R-Y.”
Bob Lee announced he had finally won an award for his acting.
Glenn Burton was in charge of recognition. He had attended the Anchorage Rotary Club and noted people could finethemselves up to $50 or bid to be exempt from fines for a month which raised $200 by one Rotarian at the meeting he attended. Valerie Miller was fined $1 for being on her way shortly to Alaska. Gary Felts was charged $1 for a phone call at lunch, which Glenn chided was probably the DSO calling. Kathleen Best was noted for her summery dress but then it turned to Nancy Dedenbach and her $1.50 resale dress purchased in Hawaii and was fined more than the cost of the dress, $2. Jessie Johnson and Vita Simmons were involved in a bar bill brawl, $1 for Vita. Ken “man of steele” Steele was fined $1 for being recognized as the Neil Dempsey Rotarian of the Year. Karan Bates-Gasior was fined $1 for being most missed. Various Rotarians were fined for their lack of knowledge of various Rotary trivia questions.
President Scott introduced speaker Eileen Heasley, who was invited at the suggestion of Nancy Dedenbach to help the club think about getting involved in an international project. Eileen shared her personal story of founding A Vision for Clean Water in 2003. The organization has been involved in projects in Nepal, Lebanon, Midland, Flint, Navajo Nation and soon Guatemala and Cambodia providing water and/or sanitation for over 400,000 people. She also cited incredible statistics with over 771M people lacking access to safe water. Over 1.7B lack access to proper sanitation. She talked about the importance of partnerships with local organizations for long-term success.

More information is available at:

The bulletin writer won $35 in the 50/50.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
July 28
RYLA-Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, Jim Adams
August 4
Meeting outdoors at the Macomb Family YMCA


Meetings Hosted Every Thursday at 12:15 PM
Italian American Cultural Society and Banquet Center 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. Clinton Township, MI 48038
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