The Spokesperson July 28, 2022

Published August 1, 2022 | 12:36 PM


Minutes of July 28, 2022 Meeting by Kathleen Best 
Photos by Nancy Dedenbach 

President Scott Chabot led the July 28 meeting that was called to order at 12:17 p.m. Eric Pierson led us in the Pledge and “The Four-Way Test,” and Vita Simmons gave the invocation. The lunch menu included Caesar salad, dinner rolls, BBQ chicken, rice, and southwest corn.


Next week’s Rotary meeting will be held at the YMCA to celebrate the new inclusive playground that was made possible due to a $2,500 grant.

Tom Welsh announced guests and visitors. Guests included Luke Eckstein, Sue Paynter, Collyer Smith who is District Governor nominee, and Jim Adams who was this week’s speaker.


Sam Wireman announced birthdays and anniversaries. There were none for the week. Sam also passed out the flowers: Ellen Lysik to Vita Simmons, Scott Chabot, and Julie Miller for the Rotary Park event. Gary Felts to Tina for a wonderful lunch, Ken Steele to Ed Mastry for sticking with him through thick and thin, Scott Chabot to guests Jim Adams and Collyer Smith.

Ellen Lysik selected “Let There be Peace on Earth” and “R-O-T-A-R-Y.”


Julie Miller talked about a road rally.
Eric Pierson talked about the Rotary golf outing.
Sam Wireman and Ellen Lysik asked for gift basket gifts to be brought in for our gala.

Recognition was led by Ryan Murphy.
Ellen Lysik was fined $1 for taking too long to make an announcement
Julie Miller was fined $1 for making a non-Rotary announcement
Gary Felts was fined $1 for starting music before we announced guests
Tom Davies was fined $4 for talking when we are supposed to be singing
Tom Welsh was fined $2 for not getting any of the guests’ names right
Eric Pierson was fined $3 for winning a round of golf only because of his handicap


Our speaker was Jim Adams of Troy Rotary/RYLA. Jim shared how he became involved in RYLA, and the impact it has had on his life, and the life of the kids who have passed through the program. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is a leadership development program sponsored by Rotary. At RYLA, over 120 high school students (grades 9th-11th) from Michigan and southwest Ontario come together with Rotarians for a three-day camp and participate in presentations, activities, and workshops. Some of the topics covered during this weekend include: leadership fundamentals and ethics; communication skills, problem-solving and conflict management; and community and global citizenship. RYLA is part of District 6380, and announced that in 2023, they will be partnering with district 6400.
Guest Collyer Smith won this week’s 50/50 raffle. Prize amount was $30.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:32 p.m.
August 4
Meeting outdoors at the Macomb Family YMCA


Meetings Hosted Every Thursday at 12:15 PM
Italian American Cultural Society and Banquet Center 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. Clinton Township, MI 48038
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