The Spokesperson June 23, 2022

Published June 28, 2022 | 03:00 PM


Minutes of June 23, 2022 Meeting by Sarah & Bob Lee
Photos by Scott Chabot and Valerie Miller 

President Jeff Furest, on the last meeting of his second presidential year, called us to order at 12:16 p.m. on June 23, 2022. Kathleen Best led us in the Pledge. Since Gary the pianist was absent, we sang all our songs a cappella. Louise Rallis read out “The Four-Way Test” and Sarah Lee gave the Invocation. Our menu was bowtie pasta Alfredo, breaded chicken breasts, broccoli spears, garden salad, dressing, rolls, and chocolate cake for dessert.


President Jeff started us out with a round of applause of Scott Chabot’s successful President’s Party last Thursday at Cellar 104. Everyone had a good time. Rotarian of the Year was Ken Steele, who wasn’t present today, perhaps overwhelmed at the attention at being named.
There will be no meeting next week in observance of the 4th of July holiday.  We will resume July 7, start of the ‘22-‘23 Rotary year.


We had one guest:  our speaker, Katrina Studvent from Gilda’s Club. Yes, we sang the welcome song a cappella. It wasn’t pretty.


Stephanie Mirabile celebrated ten years of marriage to husband Nick. All other Rotarians celebrating were absent. Flowers were quickly sold as follows: Bob Lee for his sister Sarah; Louise for our speaker Katrina; Nancy to Jeff and Scott; Larry to Eric; Kathy and Steph to each other.


Jeff led us in two Rotary songs, first stanza of “Roll Rotary” and “R-O-T-A-R-Y.”

YMCA Work Day Saturday, June 25: Scott announced Rotarians are needed on Saturday, June 25, to help place matting under a structure, which is why “IT MATTERS that you come,” Scott said. The YMCA is also having their golf outing on September 26 at Gowanie Golf Club. Sponsors are needed.
Recognition: By Nancy Dedenbach

Clearly relishing her opportunity to fine FOR THE LAST TIME Scott Chabot, Nancy asked, “Do you know where your gavel is?” A gavel sporting pretty ribbons was handed to Scott, who was asked to read the name, “Robert Randolph,” a much-loved Rotarian now in heaven. Scott, resigned to what every new Mount Clemens Rotary President suffers, replied, “No, it was stolen.” Nancy wouldn’t let the poor man go. “Have you narrowed it down to anybody?” I was sitting across the room, so I didn’t hear the answer. But next I heard, “Who is our speaker on July 21 (Eileen Heasley) and some other nonsensical --- Nancy just gave up and charged Scott $5. “We want the penny, too, she said.” Wow, she drives a hard bargain. Should be interesting to see in what container Scott’s gavel resides when it is returned.

But wait, somehow, Nancy made a deal with Jeff Furest that she would add up his gaffes during his presidential year to fine him at the end. Jeff admitted that was true, admitted 7 gaffes and paid $35 (included the pennies).  Nancy collected his money and said, “We’ll miss you.”

Eric was earlier outted by Larry Neal for eating two pieces of cake. Nancy fined him for the indiscretion as well. Eric made the bad decision to protest too much. A fine of $1 became $2 for the extra piece.

Nancy saw on ad online for Taco Fiesta that she said starred Kathleen Best and Steph Mirabile holding, what else, wine glasses! The two gal pals were horrified, “What, moi, at Taco Fiesta?!! We have more taste than that! (Turns out it wasn’t them.) They were fined anyway: Steph $2 and Kathleen $3.

The last Team Rotary shirt has been sold. Nancy asked if we’d like to reorder more. “These are good to wear when we are going a community project,” she reminded us.
SPEAKER Katrina Studvent: Gilda's Club of Detroit

Our speaker revealed she was a breast cancer survivor for 17 years. She shared her story with the members of Gilda’s Club. Sharing stories allows cancer patients to know what is in store. There's currently 17 million living cancer patients.
Gilda Radnor was a comedian, with roots in Detroit, who shot to fame on the Saturday Night Live. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1985 and died in 1989. Her husband, Gene Wilder, and her friends started the first Gilda’s Club In New York City.  

The mission of Gilda’s Club is that no one faces cancer alone. It is a heavy lift, but it can be done. The services go beyond support groups. The programs are 100 percent free. Survivorship is growing. Cancers screened earlier are caught and treated earlier which raise the survivorship rate. Survivorship is the rest of one’s life.

Gilda’s Club of Detroit began with eight women in Royal Oak. The club grew tremendously during the pandemic.  There are now three centers – Detroit, Royal Oak and St. Clair Shores (the former Lake House) plus four virtual ones.
Imagine Rotary Canada Tour RI President Jennifer Jones and First Gent Nick Krayacich are starting their Rotary year with a Cross-Canada Imagine Tour. These events are open to all Rotarians. We got this news late but there may be time to attend the Dedication Ceremony of the Imagine Rotary Trail on Monday, June 27, 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m.  See the attached announcement and directions.

Jeff reviewed both of his terms as club president. He recited the various accomplishments our club did in the financially challenging times during his first term and the physically challenging times due to COVID. Jeff exhorted us to keep up the good work.

50/50 Larry Neal won $37
Photos from the June 9 meeting by Valerie Miller
No Meeting


Meetings Hosted Every Thursday at 12:15 PM
Italian American Cultural Society and Banquet Center 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. Clinton Township, MI 48038
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