The Spokesperson November 10, 2022

Published November 15, 2022 | 09:19 AM


Minutes of November 10, 2022 Meeting by Ryan Murphy    
Photos by Valerie Miller    

Our president, Scott Chabot was back this week and opened the meeting at 12:16 p.m. Mary Ann Hosey was back to led us in the Pledge. Then Tom Welsh led us in “The Four-Way Test,” and Sarah Lee led us in prayer. For lunch we enjoyed green beans, potatoes, salad, bread, sirloin, and ice cream.

The Santa Parade is on Saturday, November 19 (THIS WEEK). Please let Scott know if you can make it to pass out candy in the parade. Also, please bring in candy to our next meeting so we have plenty for the kids at the parade.

We have one slot open still for Salvation Army Bell Ringing December 3. Let Barb or Scott know if you can make it.

We didn’t have a ton of guests this week but Sam Wireman announced our speaker Dan Accavatti.

Kathleen Best handled the flowers.

    Bill Furest’s wife, Carey, had a birthday

Club anniversaries:
    Chuck Dib and Glenn Burton celebrated club anniversaries

    Scott Chabot bought flowers for Nancy Dedenbach
    Larry Neal bought flowers for Gary for following through on his music lead this month
    Gary bought flowers for Tom Davies because he was out of town, as well as Tina
    Ed Mastry bought flowers for Sam for helping with the setup
    Sarah Lee bought two flowers for both of our speaker’s kids
    Julie Huttenlocher bought flowers for Ed’s granddaughter's great volleyball season
Larry Neal was the leader of the band today:
We sang “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “All Hail to Rotary”

Great news! Nancy’s finger is feeling better!


There is a list out for the Turning Point Christmas gift “tree.” Please sign up to give a gift to help kids that may not have as much as we are used to at Christmas. Julie graciously offered to buy gifts for those of us who are not great shoppers (that’s me!)

The Christmas party is coming up. Please RSVP quickly when you get the invitation so plans can be finalized.

Julie Huttenlocher was back again for recognition today:

Gary got hit for MANY infractions but was going to get a discount until he offered $5

Ryan was fined AGAIN for his purchase of Tom Hosey’s medical practice

Kathleen Best’s table was fined because nobody at her table could name a song from the band on her t-shirt…Def Leppard which happened to be Julie’s favorite

We then had some questions:
Who was Paul Harris? The table correctly answered the founder of Rotary
Who started the Rotary Foundation? Missed that; it was Arch Clump
When did the Rotary Foundation begin? Missed that it; was 1917 and over $50 billion has been raised
How much is needed to donate to get a Paul Harris? $1,000 (our club will match your donation!)


Today we were lucky enough to hear from Dan Accavatti from the Macomb County Public Works Department. He said that he started having a love for water and how it moved at a very young age and that love continued through. He discussed that the Macomb County Public Works department is responsible for moving both wastewater and stormwater safely and effectively. Their mission is water quality and quality of life. This has been a big priority for Candice Miller and her team.

Waste water moves out of the house to the municipal system to the mid system. Then joins Oakland County’s wastewater and then goes through Detroit. After Detroit’s bankruptcy, Macomb and Oakland work with Wayne and the city with wastewater as combined sewer communities. The goals are: increased storage capacity, protect structural integrity, use technology effectively, and separate combined waste and storm systems.

Storm water needs to be managed by the department as well. They have 750 miles of drains to manage. They construct these drains as they move water. They don’t usually remove trees unless needed as the stated goal is to move water. One of the new ways to get rid of storm water is to separate it. 5.2 inches of water are separated into 3 groups. First, flush (dirt, grime, and dust) that is kept onsite. Then, 1.9 inches are retained for drain protection downstream. Last, 2.1 inches are kept for flood protection. It was definitely an interesting lesson in water. I never knew how much went into water planning (and I’m sure that was just the beginning.)
50/50 WINNER
For the second week in a row, our speaker picked his own ticket and kindly offered to donate it to the club!
I want to wish you and your family a happy, safe and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday later this week!  As a reminder, we will not have a meeting this Thursday, 11/24.  We will have our next club meeting at the IACS on Thursday, December 1 at 12:15 pm.  I also attached photos of this year's Santa Parade.  We had plenty of candy to hand out and we had a great time, despite the cold weather, representing our club at this great annual event in the City of Mount Clemens! It was great to also walk with some of the folks from the YMCA too. See you all soon and stay well!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Scott J. Chabot President
Mount Clemens Rotary

* * *
Help contribute to our Rotary Giving Tree for Turning Point! This year we have one large family that is in need some of the most basic items. I have attached a link below to a signup genius if you would like to buy a gift. If you would prefer to have our Rotary Elves shop for you, let me know how much we should charge your bill and we will take care of buying, wrapping and delivering the gifts for you! If you want to buy the gifts, please do not wrap them, please bring them to Rotary on 12/8 or we can arrange a pick up prior to December 13 and I will wrap them for you! Please contribute to this worthwhile cause … $75, $100, $150 or more. Gifts can be dropped off at my house. ~~ Julie Huttenlocher & the Rotary Elves
 * * *
Greetings District 6380 Amazing Rotarians,
Now is the time for your club to nominate an outstanding club leader for District Governor. Your club’s nomination is due no later than Dec. 12. That person will be the Rotarian who serves as District Governor in the 2025-26 Rotary Year. See details at
Bala Murthy - District Governor 2022-23, RID 6380
You are cordially invited to our Rotary Christmas Party.  
This year's event will take place on Wednesday, December 14 at 6:3 p.m.  
We will be enjoying an "old-fashioned" Christmas at the Packard Proving Grounds
on Van Dyke in Shelby Township!  
Dinner, drinks and entertainment will be included in this fun-filled evening!
 Please see the flyer for all the details and plan on RSVPing by December 7th!
Hope to see you all there!
Julie Huttenlocher & Kathleen Best
Your Christmas Party Hosts!


Meetings Hosted Every Thursday at 12:15 PM
Italian American Cultural Society and Banquet Center 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. Clinton Township, MI 48038