The Spokesperson October 6, 2022

Published October 7, 2022 | 10:25 AM


Minutes of October 6, 2022 Meeting by Sarah Lee  
Photos by Valerie Miller  
On the last warm day of 2022, Mount Clemens Rotarians began the meeting with President Scott Chabot calling us to order at 12:18 p.m. Ryan Murphy led us in the Pledge, followed by the singing of the national anthem. Christine LaTour recited “The Four-Way Test,” and Sarah Lee gave the invocation.

Our lunchtime feast was  meat chili with all the fixings, roasted potatoes, green beans, spiral pasta and green salad. Fruit and pastries for dessert.


President Scott complimented everyone on a fine fundraiser held last Friday night. We raised approximately $30,000 and with an additional $25,000 from a private source, the club should have about $50,000 to $55,000 to give away to our beneficiaries. Val pointed out while our president hadn’t been a member long, he was able to raise $40,000 in sponsorships. Anyone with pictures of the fundraiser, please send them to Kathy Best. She’s making a super, duper social media post about our party.
     * - * We are seeking volunteers and donations to help with Packing for the Troops event on October 20 at Fern Hill County Club. Christine LaTour will be collecting any donations at our meeting next week. The flyer below includes what they need. We will have a volunteer sign-in sheet at the next meeting as well to help on the 10/20 event.
     * - * Please let me or Sam Wireman know of your interest in being part of this year's Santa Parade. The event is on November 19. We need to get commitments from those who would be interested in decorating a float for the parade and walking in the parade to represent our Rotary club.
Santa Parade, November 19, downtown Mount Clemens ~~ We have committed to be in the parade. Scott is looking for volunteers to help build a float and/or walk in the parade on November 19.


We had one guest, Anne Nauts, Chelsea Rotarian and our speaker, introduced by Vita Simmons.


There were only club anniversaries celebrated today with just one Rotarian present, Doug Norris. Many flowers were left to be sold. Robert Lee bought one for his wonderful sister (yours truly). Scott bought a flower for Anne Nauts. Gary’s usual purchase of flower for Tina, Ryan bought a flower for Scott, Kathy Best for Ed Mastry’s dancing at the fundraiser and one I missed.

Kathleen Best chose “Yankee Doodle Dandy” and “Roll Rotary.”


*** Sarah Lee mentioned there will be a cemetery walk at Clinton Grove Cemetery this Saturday, October 7. Since her business is sponsoring the walk, Sarah offered to pay for the announcement, which Recognizer Ryan Murphy carefully made note.   

*** Kathy Best noted the next Happy Hour event will be October 26 at Orleans pub from 4 to 7 p.m. It will feature a fundraiser for polio, as October is polio month, where the goal is to raise $1,000. Tom Welch sprang up to inform us that polio is just not in Afghanistan but in New York City a case was recorded.

*** Christine LaTour is organizing our participation in the Packing Party for our Troops, on October 20 at 6 p.m. at Fern Hill Golf Club. We are asked to bring in donation(s) listed on the flyer below to our next meeting, October 13. If you are further interested, there are volunteer opportunities on October 20. Money donations are also appreciated to help offset the biggest expense of postage.


Not wasting a moment, Ryan headed directly to Sarah Lee’s seat about to fine her — when she cut him off with her offer to pay a $5 fine. Next, Rotarians were asked who won a basket or the raffle to make themselves known. Eric Pierson was fined $2 for winning the Craft Beer basket. Kathy Best had to pay $3 for winning the costume contest over Stephanie Mirabile. Scott’s wife, Michelle, won the beach basket that Sarah and Val Miller put together. As Sarah was over her $5 limit and Scott can’t be fined, no fine here. Again, Eric had to pony up $2 for slowing up the buffet line. Bill Furest was asked to stand — we thought for most missed Rotarian. No, he was fined $3 for writing his name only once on the raffle tickets. Nancy Dedenbach fell into a heated discussion, acknowledging that she bought the figure Elvis but could not be blamed for the antics of the 50-something old guests of her daughter Kelly who had a part in the disappearance of Marilyn Monroe. Nancy paid $5. Ryan swept the room for fines, including our pianist, Gary, for messing up the key on “Roll Rotary.” Kathy shared in the fine as she selected the tune. Valerie Miller paid $2 for her announcement she gave out of turn, according to Ryan. He was running out of steam when he fined our table $1 each for the privilege of sitting with Sam, just because he’s a nice guy.

Anne Nauts, District 6380 Polio Chair, PolioPlus Society

Anne Nauts has been a Rotarian since 2009. She has enjoyed rotating through roles in her own club in Chelsea as well as the district. After serving as president of her club, in 2005 and again in 2016, she was an assistant governor. Now she is the district’s PolioPlus chair. In her professional life, Anne is the managing partner of a mortgage company and married to fellow Rotarian, Paul Schissler.

Anne began her talk with how Rotary got involved in polio eradication. Since 1988, when PolioPlus was launched, polio cases have dropped to 99.9%. Only Pakistan and Afghanistan, as of today, have active wild poliovirus cases.  Recently a case was discovered in New York City of an unvaccinated adult male. This illustrated the fact everyone must be vaccinated to stop this virus.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are still matching our donations. Our District 6380 has launched its own PolioPlus Society. Members will give $100 annually. It is hoped that in three to four years polio will be completely eradicated and join smallpox as the second human disease erased from the world.


$40 won by Nancy Dedenbach
AnnMarie Carufel
Southeast Michigan's Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
Bring items for the packing party for the troops to the meeting
6380 District Governor elect Collyer Smith
counselor Rebecca Trouse
Packing Party for the Troops at Fern Hill, 6 p.m.
Happy Hour Social Gathering
and PolioPlus fundraiser
Orleans Pub
Raise money for PolioPlus
Santa Parade downtown Mount Clemens


Meetings Hosted Every Thursday at 12:15 PM
Italian American Cultural Society and Banquet Center 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. Clinton Township, MI 48038