The Spokesperson September 22, 2022

Published September 25, 2022 | 01:51 PM


Minutes of September 22, 2022 Meeting by Ted DeVantier  
Photos by Julie Miller  
President Scott Chabot called the meeting to order.

Mary Bednar led the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the national anthem.

Sarah Lee gave the dinner prayer.  

A full spread was laid out for lunch today -- rigatoni with red meat sauce, green beans, Italian sausage with onions and peppers, salad, roles and pound cake for dessert.
Scott started off with a few announcements, notably that our big fundraiser, the Sock Hop, is only one week away. Sam Wireman and Nancy D are in charge of raffle tickets. You can buy your admission tickets online or see Ted DeVantier to pay by credit card.

Kathleen Best presented plans for an international project. A group is being organized to go to Guatemala on a 12-day trip. The plan is to spend the time visiting and learning about Rotary projects currently in process and identify one that our club would support. These include a water project and an internet-based library.

     *** Stephanie Mittlestedt from the Clinton Township offices

     *** Anne Marie Ottoy, committee chair of the Inclusive Playground Committee — and our speaker today

     *** Kerry Jantz, Kiwanian and also a member of this project committee

Sam Wireman had the flowers. The first went to Kathleen Best for a birthday on the 11th. Then several wedding anniversaries; Ted DeVantier-22 years, Scott Chabot-6 years, and Sam Wireman who just celebrated two years.

Karan had a club anniversary but the year was a mystery.

Gary bought two flowers, one for our server Tina, and one for Tom Davies saying “good to see you Tom.” Ken Steele bought the last one for Eric Pierson for putting on a great golf outing.

As fall has arrived, he picked “In the Good Ole Summertime” and “R-O-T-A-R-Y.”


Bob Lee asked if there were any Goodwill or Sunshine reports. Then he got a round of applause for announcing “I’m off insulin!”


Bob proceed with recognition. First Ed Mastry paid for getting the closest to the pin prize at the golf outing $2, then Julie Miller $3 for ladies prize, and since no one won the second closest prize, she got both.

Bob fined Tom Davies $4.99 for his travels. Kathleen Best and Stephanie Mirabile were seen in Frankenmuth; everyone at their table was fined $1. Eric Pierson was saluted by the club for putting on a great golf outing, then fined $4.99 by common consent.

Tom Walsh paid $4.99 for being on the winning golf team. Karan Bates-Gasior paid $2 for being unsure when she joined the club. Mary Bednar was charged $4 for all the road construction in the township. Mary Ann Hosey, just back from an extended Alaska trip, paid $4.99 and Ryan Murphy paid $2 for unknown reasons.


Anne Marie is the chair of the Inclusive Playground Pals, a committee sanctioned by Clinton Township and supported by the ARC of Macomb County. Their primary mission is the creation of an Inclusive Playground at the Clinton Township Civic Center grounds.

Inclusive play means all children, regardless of their ability, should be given the same opportunities to explore, discover and achieve through play. The playground will be a place to socialize and get physical activity not possible in other play areas.  

The planned project will occupy 10,000 square feet of space. Total costs will be around $1.1 million with half of that, 550K needed for site preparation and the poured-in-place surface area. The other half will pay for the accessible playground equipment. One creative idea is a planned slide that is built into a hill for safety.

The time line for the project depends on fundraising and grants. So far, $70,000 have been raised and $132,000 committed in in-kind support. This is a much-anticipated project. The State of Michigan has over 200,000 students in special education; 9% of these are in Macomb County and 20% of those live in Clinton Township.

50/50 winner, our guest Kerry Jantz, $45
* * *
We need every Rotarian's support on selling at least two or three books to help support this year's beneficiaries.  Please talk to President-Elect, Sam Wireman on getting these raffle tickets for sale.  The more we all can sell, the more RI and our beneficiaries win! Tickets and Tables of 10 for the fundraiser can be purchased online on our Club Website.  Donations can now be accepted on the event page too:
speaker Kimberly Janowicz
City Life Magazine
Purchase tickets for our September 30 fundraiser online
through PayPal. You will receive an email confirmation. 
Please visit the Events section of our Mount Clemens Rotary Club website
to purchase individual tickets or a table for 10 attendees.


Meetings Hosted Every Thursday at 12:15 PM
Italian American Cultural Society and Banquet Center 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. Clinton Township, MI 48038